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MX Password Breaker

MX Password Breaker

Screenshots of MX Password Breaker

MX Password Breaker Publisher's Description

MX Password Breaker is a unique application that can attempt to brute force into any password protected application by simulating keyboard typing.
It allows customizable character lists of small/capital alphabets, digits, symbols and space. Character repition can be toggled ON/OFF. The evaluation version can only break password of upto 4 digits.
Please be noted, that MX Password Breaker can neither reveal the password nor can it determine when the correct password has been entered. It merely tries all possible combination. As such you should stop the process when the correct password has been entered.
In the Password Entry & Retry boxes type in the key strokes needed to submit the password and to re-open the password entry text box respectively. These steps (one in each line) can be either a Press command or a Wait command. Follow the Press command with the key that is to be pressed and the wait command with the number of milliseconds to wait.
The following steps for Password retry will re-open the last document opened in Word 2007.
Press {ENTER}
Wait 1000
Press %
Press F
Press 1
These steps are synonymous to:-
Press Enter Key
Wait for 1 second
Press ALT Key
Press F Key
Press 1 Key
Use % to press the ALT key. For more information on the keys checkout the <a href=" . com / en - us / library / system . windows . forms . sendkeys . send . aspx " > Sendkeysdocumentation</a> at MSDN.

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